Performance Improvement:

We help you to be recognized as a star performer

Everyone likes to be rewarded and appreciated for doing a good job. Yet, only a few individuals are considered as star performers by the organization. There are always some employees that are able to perform extraordinarily well. The key is to figure out what is considered as performance excellence, and more importantly, what is required to get there. The diagram alongside depicts the components that help achieve "peak performance".

GetCoached will help you in improving your performance by guiding you to do the following:

1. Understand what performance excellence means in your organization., and for your manager. This includes proficiency and outcomes both.

2. Understanding your current level of performance, and the current competency levels.

3. Identifying the key drivers and roadblocks that have influenced to your current performance

4. Discovering your core strengths and areas of improvement

5. Recognizing your motivators and support system that enable you to perform

6. Defining the action plan and learning agenda, to achieve your goals.

Often, we are too close to ourselves to understand our true abilities, behavior and needs. Coaching can help you in the self discovery and performance planning process, in a structured manner. Periodically, it would help to review your progress and modify the plan if required. Contact Us for more details on how can help you succeed.