Based on PMBOK 7. Want to request a different schedule? Email your dates to's program is the only one that covers the entire scope TWICE in 4 days - once to provide you a solid foundation and again as a exam refresher.
You are likely to be a busy professional who needs to to take the exam but you may not have enough time to study for it. You may also want a trainer who understands your way of doing projects, and guide you to relate your practical experiences with the CAPM concepts. You want to ensure that you get value for money - exam relevant course material, alongwith with an industry experienced trainer, and all this for a reasonable fee. And finally, you need the confidence that the course is aligned well with the PMBOK 6th edition. This is exactly what you get from!
Day 1 & 2: The trainer's first objective is to establish a strong foundation on project management, for you. During this period, you will be able to relate with and understand all the key concepts of project management, across the 10 knowledge areas and the 5 process groups. This includes important documents, theories, best practices and techniques for each area. Based on your experiences, you can discuss the ways in which you do certain project management activities, to figure out if this aligns with the CAPM way.
Day 3: The trainer now visits all the knowledge areas again, from a PMBOK perspective. The inputs, tools, techniques and outputs are explained in a simplified manner. Also the trainer covers typical CAPM scenarios that you would face in the exam, and how to address such questions.
Day 4 starts with an orientation to the topic of "Professional Responsibility", which every CAPM (and CAPM aspirant) needs to abide by. This is followed by a 4 hour mock exam, and finally the feedback on the answers, to understand the reason behind each answer. To conclude the trainer guides you on how to prepare for the exam, based on your scores in the mock, and your work profile.
After completing the 4 day program, you can take advantage of the power-packed booklet "Cracking the CAPM/PMP®", which provides you with a huge number of tips and tricks for passing the exam. You can also continue assessing your readiness at each stage, by taking the 3 additional mock exams provided in the kit.
Hotel Orchard, Apte Road, Deccan, Pune.
12,13,19,20 Apr 2025 (Sat/Sun).
4 full days of classroom based training delivered by PMP Certified Trainer having ~31 years experience.
CAPM Training Certificate for 23 Contact Hours (popularly called as 23 PDUs)
Hard copy of all the training content
3 additional mock tests with answers + online links to 14 others
60 days access to a "one of its kind" interactive self-learning tool, making it easy to remember the project management processes.
A 35 page booklet entitled "Cracking the CAPM/PMP"
Upto 2 post program interactions over email or phone, within 3 months of the training
Influence Matrix - a unique excel sheet containing all process interactions (output from one process feeding into another), to understand how everything is connected
Note: The 4 days program will include lunch and tea.
Ashish Paranjpe, PMP has 31 years experience across industries and domains. Click here to view the trainer profile.Here are 4 reasons why you are in safe hands:
1. Ashish has been involved executing and managing projects since 1991, and also managing project managers. Being hands-on helps him relate better to your projects.
2. He has been successfully conducting a unique PMP Crash Course over several batches. Participants took this training AFTER attending 4 day training sessions elsewhere, because he covered much more than what was covered in their previous training, and also to reduce efforts for getting certified.
3. Ashish is a freelancer through several training institutes for PMP. This exposure has helped him ensure the best coverage on the subject. He has conducted more than 40 training batches during the past 12 months.
4. As a career coach cum trainer, he can provide valuable guidance, for you to succeed as a manager. His advanced program "Going Beyond PMP" provides participants with an edge over other PMPs, by focusing on topics that are typically required at the workplace but not covered in most training programs on this subject.
Click here to view the participant feedback from previous training programs conducted by the trainer.
Rs. 14,000/- per participant
EMI Option: Pay 5 cheques of Rs. 2900 each, spread over 5 consecutive months, dated 4th of each month. Make 1st payment prior to training.
This fee is inclusive of taxes.
Payment Options: Cheque (atleast 2 days in advance), Cash, DD, Online banking fund transfer (ask for details)
Contact +91-9822603367 or write an email to to confirm your seat, and for the details about the online payment option.